
Thank you for stopping by my website. I
hope that you enjoy your visit :)

This site serves to provide a brief introduction to the world of Kyle (me). It will go through multiple iterations over the years I am sure, but I will strive to keep the spirt of learning and creating alive by maintaining this page and adding to it over time.

Personal Introduction

First and foremost, I am a big brother to two awesome little sisters and a partner to my wonderful fiancée. Growing up, I always loved being a big brother and take great pride in being there to support those I care about. I am incredibly fortunate to have these women in my life and lucked out in that they all love (tolerate) the same things as me! We share common interests in music, math, science, history, and travel. Over this past year, my fiancée and I were able to travel to Bosnia, Croatia, and Montenegro as a part of a former Yugo tour to meet many of her family members who still live there. For ten days I was completely immersed in their culture and had to learn how to communicate with 95% of all interactions being in a foreign language. The banner picture on this site is actually a photo I took!

A huge part of my identity is derived from being a novus homo, or a new man. Everything I have accomplished in my adult life has been a direct result of efforts and actions I have taken. I started off with very little and am absolutely obsessed with continual progress. Throughout my life I have described myself with three titles: Learner, Teacher, and Problem Solver. All of us are bound by time as a common constraint, and the only direction that you can travel is forward. I am always trying to improve by some measure and always willing to change my ways if presented with new evidence, however I will ardently defend that which I believe is right. I am attentive to my mental and physical health, as well as particularly considerate of the company I keep. A couple of my favorite quotes are listed below!

"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Isaac Newton
“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” - Ernest Hemingway

Professional Profile

Below is a brief overview of some relevant professional attributes and skills I have developed. For a more detailed view visit my LinkedIn!

  • C++, Python, MATLAB, LaTeX, R,
    ASM, CSS and HTML5
  • Metric Design, KPI selection, ARR scaling and tracking
  • Business Development, SMB Sales, Product-Market Fit
  • Throughput - capable of 90+ productive hours per week
  • Leadership Development, Training, Onboarding
  • Teaching Code, Presenting technical topics


Below are a few fun projects that I have worked on over the years. All of my Github repositories are open to the public and have been archived from past school semesters. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions!


This faithful recreation of the original Minesweeper game was an absolute blast to code up. I learned a ton about libraries, operating within different IDEs, and actually taking a spec sheet from concept to executable. All of the specifications for the project as well as the dependencies are included.


This project marked my first time working on a large programming project with a group. My programming has improved greatly since this, however it is a fond memory and a good milestone. The repository is a little messy, for a quick look check out this YouTube link.

Crunch's Corporate Partner Division

In addition to being a part of my professional career, refactoring and redesigning the entire Corporate Partnership Program for Crunch Fitness was a massive project. Over the course of 5 years, I learned the ins and outs of the club management software, iterated upon the offerings Crunch had for businesses, implemented a CRM and so much more. This project demonstrates my discipline and capability to implement beyond just ideating.

the Coder School PLUS Program

As a Code Coach at the Sarasota Coder School, I had the privilege of working with multiple groups of students on how to present technical information to an audience and build a game from scratch. ELI5 takes on a whole new meaning when working with kids!